Welcome to

Ipswich Waterfront Churches

Our Churches

Find out more about our churches Holy Trinity, St. Helen’s and St. Luke’s.


Details about how we can help we your special day.


For those ready to build an ongoing connection with Christ.


Find out what is happening across our Benefice.


Sunday Services

As one church family, with 3 buildings, we all meet together for our main weekly Sunday service.
This is currently at St Luke’s Church, Cliff Lane – Every Sunday starting at 10:30am. In addition we have 2 evening services a month at 6:30pm at St Helen’s Church, and 2 earlier Holy Communion services at St Luke’s – please see our events page for more details.

If you have little ones then children have their own special activities & crafts during the 10:30am service including Roots & Shoots our Junior Church twice a month.  We also have a carpeted area at the back of the church with some activities for younger childen.

It would be lovely to see you – so please come along.


Church isn’t just for Sundays. At Waterfront Churches we run a number of events in Midweek to bring people closer to God. We have Coffee Pot at St Luke’s – our Community Cafe & Little Shoots, our Baby & Toddler Group. St Helen’s is home to Safe Harbour & Top Up shop.

Messy Church

We hold Messy Church once a month at both St Helen”s and St Luke’s – please checkout our events page for dates & times. Little Shoots is our weekly Baby & Toddler group – and alternate Sunday Mornings we have Roots & Shoots our Junior Church.

All the team are DBS checked and safeguarding trained.


Prayer is always available – and if you’d like to share with someone, please speak with Rev Susan after the service – or one of our leaders.

“Following Jesus together – Together making followers of Jesus”